Saturday, August 27, 2005

Stupid Dennys Fuckers!

Ok, super quick post before i go back to dennys... um... yay? now I don't mean the ppl who work there are fuckers, b/c they're all great!! kinda like a slightly crazed family!! but seriously, whats with bitchy customers? the other day i had this guy who started yelling and swearing over his two little sausages, and his thirst for coffee, then Bev came to see if everything was alright, so he started yelling and swearing at her that I could handle this and she should "go clean her tables" and then he didn't want to talk to my manager cuase he was a "poof" or somthin of that nature, and he didn't want a free meal (by the end of the night i was beyond convinced that that statement was a lie) blah blah blah, got me to wrap his pancakes, didn't want anymore coffee, decided he DID want to talk to Kevin, Kevin came over, and when i looked up 2 mins later, both were standing and yelling, Kevin looked like he coulda killed the guy... ugh... not so much fun, Kevin gave the guy a free meal but NOT the knuckle sandwhich he prolly wanted to give the guy.... and then the ass didn't take his flippin pancakes!! like what the hey!?!

Uuggggghhhhh..... i'm so tired.... my mom has sprained her ankle, so shes um... down right now, and on crutches for phsyically impaired, so i got about 4 hrs sleep last night, cause i had to get up early to feed.... well and you know, i stayed out till 2 am last night... pft, irrelevant.... but alas i must go back to denny's, (i was JUST there 5 hrs ago!!)

1 comment:

becca said...

Oh, Dez. Hope our 2am chitchatting wasn't too tiring for you...hopefully your shift today goes well. Stupid sausage guy. Let's put him, the Texan, and the margarine guy into one room, give them some margarine and some eggs/sausage that are either "burnt" or not cooked properly. And THEN, let's not give them coffee refils. Ever. It could be a new reality television show! :D