Thursday, June 29, 2006


GAAAAHHHH!!!!!! You should see the electrical storm going on here... while working I saw lightning strike above a house... then all the mom's were saying to go home... a grandpa started freaking out when I stopped underneath a tree... so here I am, hoping this will blow over so I can go back to work... its like, nonstop thunder, its absolutly crazy!! Crazy I tell you!!!

Also.... since noone commented on how funny my last picture was, I put a new one in. This is a picture of some of the huge boats that go through the Canal in St. Catharines... for a while, and in a lil while, I was/will be working right next to the canal... they're very cool to see. They travel up the canal by going into locks, where the water is raised until they're high enough to continue on... there are 4 or 6 locks between lake Ontario and Lake Eerie. Very cool!!

Anyways, I think the lightning has calmed down, so parents can stop yelling at me for being crazy still working... and I wont' lie, maybe I"ll be a little less afraid to work with the lack of electricity in the air...


Anonymous said...

Too bad you can not harness the electricity to aid you in selling books.

Anonymous said...

Dez!!! Send the lightning over here with your magical powers, I love storms!! Seriously, if we get a storm here in the next few days, I will know that you truly do posess crazy powers that makes you able to send storms from far away!

Cole said...

Oh...god if she starts to think you have crazy powers then... she will start praying to liek so false god i can see it now *doooolllleeedoooo* craziness Please don't get hit by lighting and you are crazy to work in a lightning storm. But the boat is so cool!!

Ink Monkey said...

Storms are fun weeeeee. Way back in the day me and a buddy were biking down the power lines and got cought in a eletric storm It was crazy but cool Lighting was hitting the wires above us.... way nuts. My buddy thought we were going to die and Im like wow this is the coolest thing I have ever seen.
Anyway be safe. Later and miss you.

safromhell said...

who is to say that heidi does not already worship you like a false god. she is a little strange. also if you think about it we get these messages every week that have no subject and come from someone we all beleive in ........ but never see. wait maybe you are god. shit i must be nicer to you or something i don't want you to send me to hell. :P

becca said...

*bows down to worship Dez*

Heidi, I'll see you at Dez-church next week!