Saturday, February 24, 2007

Make sure to always moderate your moderation.

So I've decided I have the perfect relationship. Unfortunatly he's not human.

Me and Kantana have the perfect relationship. We love each otehr unconditionally. We are so comfortable with each other that we are nothing but purely ourselves when with each other. I pet other horses, he flirts with other riders, and it never bothers us because we know it means nothing. Sometimes he gets annoyed that I dont' come see him for a couple days, but he understands and gets over it right away. Somedays he's grumpy and doesn't want to cuddle, but so am I. We generally force the other into it anywyas. All he expects of me is food, shelter and love. And all I want from him is company, someone to talk to, and of course love. What can I say he's the love of my life, and noone will ever be able to replace him.

So any men interessted in behaving similarily to my horse....


safromhell said...

do you really want to provide the food and shelter to a man too. i shit horses are expensive enough without that headache. hahahaha

becca said...

Feed me, love me and I'll be yours!

...although, I'm not a man...problems?

Cole said...

Hahah... Some might interpert this as your looking for someone to ride?

JJ said...

Neigh, baby.