Saturday, March 03, 2007

I misseded my bed!

Due to keeping friends company, and unforeseeable circumstances, I didn't come home for 3 days except to load my horse into the horse trailer to cart him off to the dentist. I came home after work last night, and didn't realize how much I missed my bed. Seriously, I'm such a homebody, and I love my bed. More my blankets than anything. If (god save my soul) i ever get married (actually... god have mercy on his poor soul) he will have to love having 5 10lbs blankets!!! I love the weight of it... its wonderful. Or maybe we'll just have to have separate covers. But yes, I love lots of heavy blankets!! I've recently added another blanket to my bed, and its not very heavy, but it adds a little more weight!!

Wow... a whole post dedicated to my bed, and blankets! Wow...

And!! Featured photo of the day, I begining to think I have a thing for canibalsim...


becca said...

I LOVE blankets too...I bought a new one at IKEA a while ago, and it's so warm and soft and perfect.

Let's start a blanket club!...or, well....maybe not...

*hugs* Miss you! :)

Cole said...

I bought a new sheet it's black and makes my bed look a lot smaller it's so nice and soft and that's a wicked photo!

Ink Monkey said...

Hahaha thats a awsome photo. Weeeee dinner is served.... now eat up or no desert.