Wednesday, October 19, 2005

You can dress me up

But it won't change how I walk against the grain. You can take me home, but I'm gunna drive, cause this girrrrrrrrl... is one of the guys.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hee heee.... I'm so happy over here... first off, well, the obvious, a guy. But ALSO, I'm all registered up for school, I just have to pay my fees, and take my EMAT, a four hour exam to determine if I retained anythign from grade 12... OH! And tomorrow, I go for some sort of testing at the post office to test my memory, comprehension, and arithmetic (jeeeeez, whats with all the freakin tests?!?!)... so does that mean they're skipping the first job interview? or IS that the first job interview? anywyasy, I think after the test i pretty well have the job, so... well, I geuss we'll see what they offer me... Anwyays, i've actually grown weary of posting, and need sleeeeeeeeeep. Ciao!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're going to work at the post office? When did this happen? That is tres cool...I was going to make some joke about going postal...but it's just too easy...and lame.
Oh, and yay for the guy thing. Anyone I know?