Sunday, December 04, 2005


EEeeehhhhhee hee hee hee hee!! Today is the famous Denny's Christmas party!! WWOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! YES! ALRIGHT!! Ha ha.... and geuss waht?!?! For once, i'm NOT going to be sober during such an event, thats right, NOT sober! MWa ha ha ha ha!! Eeeeeeeeeee heee hee, and i'm wearing my 6" glass heels, ALRIGHT!!


Randomness- I miss that car... *sniff sniff*


Anonymous said...

HI DEZ! I want to hang out with a drunk Dez...I'd even settle for a sober Dez, I suppose...Hmmmm. Anyway, I hope you had a good time, Sir:)

Cole said...

oh pickle i am with you on that one i would like to hang out with drunk dez to she what it is like i wonder if she is an abusive drunk????;)JK Love you

GopherX said...

Six inch heels and liquor? You're a brave one.

JJ said...

Whats really great is when she's finished all her liquor, kicks off her heels... and pretty much any other article of clothing! Then she's fucking GREAT... in bed.