Thursday, January 05, 2006

Um... yay?

Well... I'm hoping everyone will just catch this post so I don't have to phone and tell everyone individually... I got into a car accident tonight. Now, I'll tell my story of what happened for the 87th time in hopes that I won't have to do this too many more times.

I was driving down Giscome about a km away from my house when I noticed to red lights (tail lights) in the other lane. At first I thougth someone was driving without headlights, then I noticed the guy was backing up. He then came to a complete stop, w/e he was in the other lane, I intended on continuing. He then decided to cut accross my lane to turn on to Maclaren rd. I tried to stop, but couldn't and smashed into him.

My car isn't driveable. The bumper especially on the right side is smashed in, can't turn the wheels, the transmission is disconnected so I couldn't put it in gear (still ran though, get that?!?!), the front fender is crumpled so I couldn't open my door very far.

I however am fine. Very stiff and sore, even after 2 IBProfen, but no blood or broken bones which apparently means I'm alright.

Humor in all this... Tow trucks came to put our cars in the compound so ICBC can go take a look at them. The guy got out of the tow truck, looked at me and said "I know you!!!" walked away to talk to the police officer, came back and said "Now I know where from... Denny's" *sigh* Kinda humorous tho.

I brought my horse downtown today, paid the $220 for my board a couple days ago so I could start riding and such. Needless to say he'll be coming home tomorrow as to not complicate my life anymore. I start school next monday, plus I work 32 hours a week and live 20mins out of town. This is going to suck not having a car. My car is my freedom and independance.

Apparently I don't get a new years. I rang in the new years at Denny's so we were having a New Years party at Stan's tonight... thats where I was heading when I got into the accident.

After the towtrucks took away my car, and I did all the ICBC stuff, I had to get mom to drive me downtown so we could feed my horse. I mentioned that we were close to Garfield's house so mom decided I could stop just so he could see that I was ok. Went inside, cried, got my McFlurry I had left from before. Went back outside, mom decided that she could come in to meet Sandy (Garfield's mom) next thing I knew I was being given legal advice, IBProfen, and both mothers decided I was going to the ER to make sure nothing serious had been done to my body. So Garfield took his mom's jeep, and my mom drove me to the ER, then left to feed the horses, so Garfield sat with me in the ER till my mom came, then they both waited with me. Once again, I'm fine, its only muscular, should be 100% in 5-7 days, did get a note to get out of work, and was given pain killers. Had to put on a gown tho... first time I've ever done that, and also did the hammer knee reflex thing, first time for that also! The reflex thing was kinda happy, having the Dr. lift up my gown to look for seatbelt damage, not so cool. After that got a hug and a kiss and Garfield went home and mom drove me home, bought a Buy & Sell incase its decided its my fault or 50/50 and I need a new car, or another Colt for parts... and here I sit in pain telling a whole bunch of you how much my day sucked.

Before all this I also sliced my finger open with a knife.

I give up, this sucks super hardcore, I'm going to bed where I intend on staying for quite some time.


GopherX said...

I am sooooo glad you're ok!
*huggle* Poor Dez. :(

Cole said...

WTF!! AH AH AHA! I Am so glad your alright! AAAAAAAAAHHHHH! From now on let me get in the car accidents i am exprienced in that stuff 4 cars in two years! I Am so glad you are ok though If you need rides anywhere just call me ok:D My car is your car! *hugS* lots and lots of *hugs*

Phil said...

oh no poor dezzy! i was gonna see if youwanted to go for coffee today but i guess not. :S will call you later!

Ink Monkey said...

You.....freaked me out...... whew. Im glad your alright though :) See ya later.

becca said...

God, Dezzy, I'm so glad you're okay...I was going to call you today...unfortunately, the only time I could would have been in the morning, 'cause the rest of the day I was out without a phone (damn my lack of cell-ness), and I figured you'd be asleep still.

I love you. I'm so happy you're okay. I hope you're feeling like your normal Dez know what's supposed to help car accident victims? PINA COLADAS!...well...maybe not, but it seemed appropriate for you.


Craig said...

Wow Dez! Craziness! I'm glad you're okay! *hugs*