Friday, March 24, 2006

A happier post!

SO! Today, (in the next two hours) i'm going to...

Clean the bathroom
Go through some stuff in my room
Deworm the horses
Brush the horses
Do some h/w
Get ready for work

Before I leave for Ontario I need to:

See my Dr
Clean room
Clean car
Fix hair
Finish school

And already today I've

Taken out the garbage
Talked to my mommy
Posted on my blog x2
Gone through all the blogs
Fought with the computer about a disc full of pictures my mom wanted me to go through
Swore at the computer for telling me my file was corrupted
Replied a couple e-mails
Made a list of things to do
Ate Fruitloops
Cleaned out my purse

Wow, I really made it look like i've accomplished somethieng in the couple hours I"ve been up!! Woo hoo!! '

Tomorrow is my Mom's birthday, Nic's dad's birthday, my friend Adam's birthday.... so crazy, and I haven't gotten my mom a gift yet... hell, I kinda haven't gotten Tiffany a gift, and her birthday was on the 10th... well, I got her a gift, but I haven't gotten her the REST of her gift...

Kinda like my christmas present eh Becca? :P!! this is going to be one of those ongoing, everlasting inside jokes... bwa ha ha ha ha!!! OH! Becca, good luck with your recording today!

Ok, the bandana is on, the hair's tied back (btw, got angry and cut bangs yesterday... so much for me growing them out) I'm off to clean and accomplilsh things!!


Nic Waller said...

You're going to clean the bathroom AND do other things in LESS than two hours? I know that I'm going to have to set aside an entire day to clean our bathroom... :( And why do you need to clean your room before you leave? When you get back you're just going throw everything into your room and it will be messy again. :P

Cole said...

Your list always miss something like a going away party:P At the boys pad! yes..yes that's sounds about right! whahahahah

Dez Dez said...

Ok, add to list, have MANY going away parties for all different groups of friends and so that all friends busy schedules can be accomplished.

And for Mr. Nic, the point of cleaning my room before leaving is so that I can say my room was immacuatly clean for 4 months! Duh!

safromhell said...

you are not dizzy - you are REALITY IMPAIRED.

Ink Monkey said...

So busy... so,so busy. Front side back side I do. It is my duty.
Good luck with your Monster list oh FUN Dez.... whooot *cheers Dez on* :)