Roll up the rim to get so annyoed with not winning you want to set your cup on fire!!!
Why don't they actually print cups that say things like this... like, HONESTY!! I couldn't actually find the picture I wanted... I used to have one that said "I peed in your cup... enjoy" But that one better suits how I feel right now. I haven't even one a fucking donut out of these thigns yet, and I think we all know I drink ALOT of tea... in randomness, even though I hate yogurt, I've started buying tim hortons yogurt, b/c the commercial thing in the drive thru made it look yummy, and I figure I dont eat enough Dairy anyways, YAY MY FAVOURITE SONG IS PLAYING! and with all the berries you can hardly taste the yogurt anyways!
Awww Yah! Billy’s at the bar, he’s been there all night First ten beers he’s had, since her goodbye HEY! HEY!She left him broke, in his new truck He don’t smoke, but he lights one up Temporary fix, for his heartache He’s hurting bad, but he’s feeling great! Lot of drunks, get real mean They’ll pick a fight, over anything Billy wants to laugh, that’s why he’s here You won’t see him cry, unless you spill his beer. He’s on the dance floor yelling FreebirdSinging off pitch but he knows every wordGrabs him another girl he hold on tight He don’t see ugly Through blood shot eyes He’ll fall apart when he gets home But right now his worries are gone. But right now his worries are gone Life looks good, good, good Billy’s got his beer goggles on!!
Tee hee, I love that song. So.... hm.... when did I post last. Wow, not for a couple days. So, had Jeremy's going away thing last night that I kinda set up at the boys apartment, but kinda forgot to inform any of the inhabitants... oops.
Finally went to school yesterday, and today. Was video taped today in management so that we can watch it and evaluate our communication skills. Discovered I touch my face alot, and by the conversation, you'd think i was a lush. We are stranded in the woods in january, we only have 12 items, and my best idea is to polish off the whiskey!! *sigH* Also, my voice apparently isn't as high pitched as everyone makes it out to be, and I believed it to be... kinda nice, tho I still think I sound weird... I wish everyone could hear what I hear when I talk, i have a pretty cool voice inside my head :D (yes i'm aware how that sounds, and for your information, my voices think I have psychological problems)
Hmm... in other news my tailbone is magically getting worse... like seriously bad... like, wake me up in the middle of the night if I try and sleep in anyohter position than curled up on my side in the fetal position, and falling off couch in pain because I shifted my weight... *sigh*
I hope I can get outa work tomorrow so I can go take GOOD pictures of my mom... I realized *(stupid me) that when I meant to put it on Automatic, i was actually putting it on automatic apature only... *sigh* silly silly Dez, that explains the not so good pictures... I hope the wizard gets back to me soon, I've got alot on back order... A brain... a Heart... *sigh*
Anwyays, i grow weary of trying to perch perfectly to avoid throbbing pain in tailbone area, and should go clean bedroom and get ready for work... so, i bid yee all adieu.
1 comment:
My brother won $1000 under his rim. :P
You should go cartoon style and strap a pillow to your ass.
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