Thursday, April 20, 2006

Random points of today

I hate accounting...
i found my missing negatives
i found my birth certificate... Was actually unaware it was missing
i hate accounting
i picked up my tack today
i got the horses their needles today, i'll stab them tomorrow
tomorrow i have to say a lot of sad goodbyes
i'm running out of time before i leave
oh oh! Bought cool tea pot and tea today
had nice lunch with jen
fought with computers till i cried
have i mentioned i hate accounting?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are one of my greatest friends
You can make me smile when i want to cry
You are just as decisive as me ;)
You have helped me through bad times by bringing me the good
You interest me in your "muti-taken" personality
You are one Fuckin hot husband
You are my sundhine ...tee hee
You will are missed everyday I dont see you
You will always be in my heart
Even when i want to kick you in the ass.
But always remember I will do anything for you ... except jump off a bridge... then ill miss your sorry ass