Sunday, December 17, 2006

No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks!!!

For a little while anyways.

Two side rants: 1) I got a cup from the cupboard and poured water in it, then went to the computer room and drank half of it. Set it down then looked AT it.... it had this white film flaking off the bottom... *shudder* so SO gross.
2) In the past 20 minutes I've had to repair my wireless network SIX FUCKING TIMES!!! Its so annyoing, you cna't get things done b/c, OH! Not connected anymore... s.o.b.

And... thats actually all i REALLY have time for, as I have to leave for work about 4 seconds ago.

Hopefully I can post this w/o the internet crapping out!


GopherX said...

Well in all probability that white film was just dried milk. Milk contains absolutely nothing to harm you, and in that quantity you probably would be unable to notice it in taste or texture unless, well you looked at it.

I hear you on the wireless thing, we moved our router upstairs now I have to fight to stay connected.

Anonymous said...

I've always had to fight with my wireless to stay connected. A little while ago then I changed the frequency of the transmission and changed some of the permissions and now it rarely craps out. Though I'm not sure if what I did actually is the reason it stopped being a bitch. A Dirty Wireless Smelly Bitch

becca said...

Maybe the white film from the cup will coat your stomach, and you'll be able to eat holiday mint chocolate without puking!!!

Yaaayyy!, wait...

...yeah, I guess it doesn't work like that, does it?...

Nic Waller said...

Wireless is worse than a moldy boot! Especially in a crowded apartment full of students.

We had wireless here for a long time, until my router finally died. Then we got a new one that has plugs for wires. :D Now I can go on the internet and microwave food at the same time!