Sunday, March 18, 2007

Goodbye health, hello sugar cookies!

Hello all of blogger land!! Good news: I've regained some of my hearing!!! Hurray!!! Now, I'm going to use this time, space, and attention spans to post a couple short mildly entertaining stories. We'll start with the most recent and work backwards.

Just now I was looking at some pics on DA, and I kept hearing something scraping next to me. Very odd since I"m sitting at the kitchen counter and noone is home but me. It was really starting to freak me out, I started moving papers, looking under things... then I noticed there was a dried flower petal on the floor and the heat vent was blowing it around... *sigh*

Last night! Went for a drive with Boy, was very much fun. Showed the city slicker what real stars look like, took a picture of them, then we were heading back into town, and I told him how much I love the view of the city from airport hill and have always wanted a picture, but there is no great place to pull over. We find a semi decent spot and decide, what the heck, so we throw on the hazards and set up the tripod. Now my light meter is meant for portrait studio settings only, so in these situations I must rely on the camera's light meter. So I'm going through settings seeing where I might get enough light and at 30" 4.0 I have enough light, but I want to be zoomed in to 5.3, so I figure I'll go for 45, should be good. THere isn't a setting for this so I just open my shutter manually with the intentions of closing it manually. Of course, being the blonde that I am and the fact I was cold and in a hurry, i figured 30" was seconds... but of course it isn't, the last setting on my camera is 30 minutes. So, I only left the shutter open for 45 seconds anyways, b/c I was cold, we'll see if it works! So then we're packing up, and hop back in the car, but i don't have my keys, I gave them to Ben. But HE claims I didn't, and he can't find them, and THEN a truck pulls up beside us to see if we're ok... waved him off and thanked him, found the keys (Ben DID have them) and then passed the guy on the highway... fairly funny.

Last story! as already posted, ended up in walk-in clinic and was prescribed Ammoxicilin. So we go in and get it filled, wander around, I eat a box of chocolate, go back to pick it up, and the pharmasist informs me of a side effect. I heard her say "This makes your birth control more effective, so its like you're taking 2 forms this month", Ben heard "It doesn't effect your birth control, so no worries" (or something to that effect), later on we discovered she actually said "this lowers the effectiveness of your birth control so you should take a 2nd form this month". Not sure how we were both so off, my excuse is I can't hear due to the double ear infections. ANyways, thats not even the funny part, now I"m glad he didn't actually say it, but he was going to say to the pharmasist "Actually, I"m her brother, but thanks for the concern." .... Seriously... thats the funniest thing ever, but would've been mortifying.

Anywyas, those are my stories... I should get to h/w, I'm so screwed right now... speaking of being screwed I shall leave you with a picture of a guy on a short leash...


Mel said...

You have to wonder at his level of self-consciousness...i mean, she's walking all loud and proud, and he's all 'hide me, i'm indecent'...wowzers. I'm sure not a lot of guys would mind being on that particular short leash...:P

A.J. said...

Apparently he's not all that confident about being tugged around by the short leash. Insecure I suppose!

becca said...

Ah, Dez...I always know where to look to find obscene photography...your blog. :)

Glad to hear that you can hear again, babe!

JJ said...

I don't know if thats a short leash or not, I know there walking and she's a 'loud and proud' type where as he is more of a meek person... but if I was male and could get a naked chick to tug on my extremities I'd be pretty damn happy.

Cole said...

MAn I hope that picture turns out it should be great if very thing goes good. WRONG! penis is flesh if you pull on it to hard it's going to hurt.

Ink Monkey said...

Haaaa ha, the brother thing woulda be funny as hell lol. Hopefully you get better soon take care of yourself and dont over work yourself....cuz you tend to do that, yeah.
anywho take care.

safromhell said...

ah porn in the blogger world. i hope she will be gentle he don't look like a tough guy