Saturday, December 22, 2007

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells!!

Well, Dez has been a busy girl!!! Working a fair amount (at least 5 days a week, when did that start happening?!?!), spending a decent amount of time with Dustin, trying to run around catching up with friends, sleeping, and of course procrastinating actually getting ready to leave!!!
We'll start with Calgary... I leave in a very quickly approaching 12 days, I have not packed, I have hardly thought about packing. And, my last day at BP is actually xmas eve, so just 3 more days of that left to!!

And can anyone believe how soon till Christmas?!?! I still have to pick up a couple things and have not even CONSIDERED wrapping... I'm good at this procrastinating thing :D

Now I generally avoid talking about my relationships on my blog, but I"m briefly going to touch on it. Things with Dustin are going GREAT :D:D:D Sorry, just so happy with him I feel the need to tell everyone... he's so wonderful, especially to me!!

So I'm NEARLY healthy again... still coughing horribly, and my ears tend to feel like they're going to pop out of my head, but I feel less bad!! Also, when I was feeling really not good on Monday, Dustin ran over to the store on his break and bought me a "get well card" and a packet of Rollos (my fave :D), now thats a cute story in itself, but I'm mentioning it b/c of what the card says. On the outside its a picture of 2 monkey's faces, and on the inside it says:

"Mama called the Dr, and the Dr said
If chicken soup don't work, try straight up Gin instead"

Happy, no?

Wednesday was an unexpected night of fun!! I got a semi drunk phone call from Mr Chris, inviting me to come party at his place, but they went to the Riverstone Bar and Grill first, (a place had at this point not yet visited), so off I went to join him, Stan, Robbie, and Nicole!! It was great amounts of fun, we compared ringtones, talked about cannibalism, and the deffinition of gay!!!

Now, the most exciting part of my week, and the reason I'm posting today... thursday we went for a SLEIGH RIDE!!!!!!! It was most excellent!! Instead of talking about it, i'm going to post pictures!!
Cal... isn't he special?
Nic looking sly...
This is our "sad sleigh ride picture"

Look... I put up the nice one Hayley... but don't be decieved, I never deleted the other :P

When i was showing these pictures to my mom I noticed Cole in the background... how odd.

The horses name's were Jack and Josh... their heads were twice the size of Kantana's :

We sang a very happy birthday to the fat pal Eric!! (he was at work)

The llama wanted kisses from the Becca

No comment.

There we all are (photographer not included) aren't we cute?


Anonymous said...

You need more pictures of cole! He's the best....looking!

safromhell said...
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safromhell said...

what do you mean semi drunk oh yes i was there. and sorry i did not make it on fri as i accidently ingested cleaning fluid at work and spent the night in the bathroom vomiting everything i had eaten in the last month, or i assume so as i had to make my help stay and run the kitchen all night cause i couldn't leave the bathroom anywhom i will call and make other arrangments for coffee or something (this is bigger than some of my posts)

safromhell said...

what do you mean semi drunk oh yes i was there. and sorry i did not make it on fri as i accidently ingested cleaning fluid at work and spent the night in the bathroom vomiting everything i had eaten in the last month, or i assume so as i had to make my help stay and run the kitchen all night cause i couldn't leave the bathroom anywhom i will call and make other arrangments for coffee or something (this is bigger than some of my posts)

becca said...

Cole is not only the best looking, but he's the best kisser too!!

I love the pics, hun...they're wonderful. We need more of the Dez though!! :P