Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Denny's Fairy

Tonight, while working (the other option was clearly sleeping... *sigh* my over exciting life except of course, i would have said day not night, cause i sleep during the day, and work at night... which also kinda makes me sound like a hooker... which would explain why I come home exausted and with wads of cash...) Um.... anyways, as i was saying, I ended up piling a TONNE of dishes on the counter below the pass bar, and then leaving them to go pull and empty salt and pepper shakers. Whence i returned, i found the dishes all still piled there, so I sighed to myself and complained to Mac that once again, the fairies didn't come to help me. His replial was "What? The Denny's fairies? They don't come around ever..." which got me thinking... I AM the freakin Denny's fairy!! When dayshift comes on monday mornings, (er.... tuesday mornings lately...) All the salt and pepper shakers are clean, and at any given time, there is an insert full of cut and wrapped brownies, its all like magic!! Not to mention all the sidework swing conveniently forgot has been done *cough, PHIL cough*, and the restaurant is spotless, and there is cutlery rolled (on a good night anyways...) MAGIC I tell you! Phil can sympathize with this, as he used to be a Denny's fairy, and it actually makes alot more sense now, because I've always seen Phil as a fairy *runs between Phils legs to avoid him hitting me, bites his knee cap* So i explained all this to Mac who muttered somthing about an evil fairy... *sniff* and then i also noticed with all the bitching I was doing to mac , I'm also a bitter fairy... so I geuss I'm the Evil Bitter Hooking Vampish Nocturnal Denny's Fairy... :S

Anyhoo, Jen, remember, we're going thursday to see Becca's play!! *sigh* what am I to do with you child?!?!

ANnnndddd.. I need sleep, as I'm do back at work in....8 hours! *sigh*


becca said...

Dez, you're my favorite Evil Bitter Hooking Vampish Nocturnal Denny's Fairy!

Hehehehe!...sorry, you know, I forgot to "casually" mention to swing to do the salt and pepper shakers for you...whoops...


*hugs dez*

*puts ice on Phil's kneecap where Dez bit him*

Love you, babe! :D

Cole said...

I knew phil was a fairy! No one could have that good of a jaw line and not be a fairy...you fairy you! oh and glad she only went for your kenncaps phil...i have horror stories start wearing
hockey gear to work.

*Hugs hugs*

Love cole!:D

becca said...

Hmm...I think that fairy is too...non-greasy to be a Denny's fairy...