Friday, November 04, 2005

My own mother...

Ha ha.... quick post before I head off to ride my horse and pick up my sister. Me and my mom were having this joking discussion which came down to, "you hate me don't you mom!! you're mean" then my mom looked at me and said "Your mom hates you!!" GGAAAAHHHH!!!! How could she/!?! *sigh* we've taught her to well I fear...

Also, in funny news, there is now a Mario DDR! SO HA! Game Cube is now almost in the running for being cooler than game cube... you konw... almost.

Ha ha... and the good thing about apathy... started doin shit around the house and in my life again, so in an odd way, thank you? for allowing me to not care again?


JJ said...

dude.... your mom ROCKS!

post about your date on here. I want to knowwww!!

becca said...

Your mom does the best your mom jokes ever!

JJ said...

yeah, its like double burniage... because dez's mom cracked a dez's mom joke about herself, but it doesnt offend her it just double burns dez.

...whoa. x2

wenlzyp - kind of sounds like a funnel to me.

Dez Dez said...

wenlzyn? wtf? while Im bringing up random assortments of letters you've posted Jen, whats raczn mean? *sigh* sometimes girl...

And Becca, your mom IS the best your mom joke!

Laser said...

Gamecube is close to being cooler then game cube? I don't think I have to come up with a witty retort to that one.

Dez Dez said...

*sigh* correction on this, thanks to Jeff pointing it out... I meant Game Cube is closer to being cooler than a PS2 obviously, tho I'll always remain faithful to my gamecube... Which sucks, its like being married to some mill worker, when some big time lawyer proposes to you, but you're all, "No thanks, I'm already married" *sigh*

Laser said...

yeah, or like being married to a gay guy with a mental disability.

Dez Dez said...

Don't confuse your future goals and dreams with mine! :P