Saturday, March 25, 2006

Forgot to say

When I pulled into my driveway I saw a bunny rabbit hop accross my driveway... either that or I"m on really good drugs.

WHEN is the next Nana comming out?!?!

Do I even bother asking when Zelda; Twilight Princess comes out?

I really need a new video game, but what sthe point when I'm so busy and leaving soon...

I need to borrow a computer to see whats up with my picture files... boys maybe?

There was somthing else, but I forgot it again, so w/e.


Nic Waller said...

Borrow a computer? This is the place to be! You're always welcome here. :)

GopherX said...

Twilight Princess is strongly projected for Q3 2006, yay!

Also there's been a whole new Zelda game announced already, unfortunately it's for the DS :(

Ink Monkey said...

Narnia ownz whooot. I love the weta project..... best movie set design company ever.

Cole said...

Wait, daniel has a DS Whahahaha.. now all we have to do is drug him..yes yes whahaa