Friday, March 24, 2006

If you like pina coladas...

Ok i'm not even sure how many blogs i have titled that, but when you like something stick with it right?!? Wow... This is a lil sick how fast i can type on my cellphone... Kinda pathetic really. Anyways, not much to report, i should really try getting home early one night... But i've been having fun. Work sucks, but it kinda partially sucks because i really don't care anymore, but oh well, such is life. I leave in 34 days... So excited... So much to do. Dr, chiro, dentist, room, car (clean not fix... Am gunna put that off till my return) training, finals, hmm... Theses more i just can't remember at the mo. Tomorrow tho, am going to try and be a good student, and accomplish things around house to... We'll see. Had fun after work tonight, watched a movie, twas nice to just relax. M k, sleep under the stars is about to claim me,that is one thing i don't want to adjust to... Sleeping without glowing stars. Ps... Yay for sobe rush's getting me through work. And yax adam's b day soon!


Nic Waller said...

I have not had glowing stars on my ceiling since I was like 10 years old... not that it matters because I fall asleep so fast anyways! Whenever I make a list of things to do, I end up ignoring that list and doing nothing at all. Good luck getting all those things done, so stop talking to me online. :P

safromhell said...

heheheheeh i good at scaring people and if you miss my kid come over this weekend she should be here

Cole said...

YAY! I am VERY SUPPER excited for adam's brithday... I hope I can get the time off work so I can go to it.. though i need the money so i am torn between chocies!