Its the end of the world as we know it...
YAYY!!!! Well, I'm me, so NATURALLY I had an over stimulating day.
Part 1: Woke up, late, with cell phone in hand (kinda trippy, must've been to lazy to put it back after hitting hte snooze button countless times) drug my ass into the shower, made myself all squeaky clean, brushed teeth (notice this said nothing about eating breakfast), drove to Dentist.Hygenist raped my gums, made me gag while taking x-rays, then informed me my bottom wisdom teeth have to go, but they haven't surfaced so they'll have to "dig" for them. Luckily, not till I get back. *phew*
Part 2: Went off to london drugs to spend money!! Bought myself a camera lense, originally priced for $499, got it for $299. Also bought filter so that if dropped, filter will break not lense, SWEET! Ran out to car to put together and try out. Got the lense on.... turned the camera on.... and fuck, forgot the batteries died before I broke the goddamned thing... ok, not a biggie, grab purse, jump out of car, close door. Apparently locked door before closing, and FORGOT to take keys out of ignition. Spent next hour on hood of car talking on cell phone waiting for BCAA to come save me. They come, wedge my door open and use a stick to open lock.
Part 3: Proceed to Mel's where we talk to long and I am late for class, and she is nearly late for class... go to boys apartment, nearly crash 3 different computers with a CD filled with all my pictures... sit and talk to Nic forever, miss my marketing class.
Part 4: Drive out to beaverly, watch mom ride horse, tkae pictures (more than a whole roll) abandon her drive home, grab macaroni salad, chat on MSN, grab ice cream cake, adn here we are.
Epilogue: I should get some h/w done today to make upp for the lack of class in the past week, I want a bath and to read a book, need to make a couple phone calls, and should write some overdue e-mails...I hve to sort out my float, do some laundry, and maybe tidy up a little. SHould do some studying for southwesten also. There are also the horses to feed, and I want to be in bed by 11, I have to be at breakfast for 8 am tomorrow. Also, whilst I sit here eating cake, I should fight with the picture files some more, and when my mom gets home I shall visit her.
In other random news, hands are completly chapped, damn Dennys, the paper cut on my lip is nearly healed, my tailbone is constantly in pain, the swelling on my head has gone down, my shoulder is really tender, and that little scrape on my knuckle from crazy carpeting has STILL not healed. WOw... all my random news had to do with my body and how beat up I am... can you imagine if I actually did like, sports?!?!
Other randomness, can you tell I got blogger to start uploading pictures agian... I have sooooooooo many on this computer, I hope i cna get them saved properly, or I'm gunna be sending alot of e-mails to myself.
Top left: Me at Becca/Eric's 19th bday, just before christmas.
Top Right: Me and Jesse Luscumbe during Dr Deveraux (2003)
Middle left: Me and Kantana, few years agoish.
Middle Right: Me and baby cousin Jack, Vancouver spring 2004
Goodnight everybody!! *waves over enthusiastically* :D
so is that also you on the pepsi bottle
I remember when you first went on that trip:p
Dez, I love you.
Not much else to say, other than that I'm going to miss you a whole freaking bunch.
Happier today than I was yesterday...wanna know why? because I ate the chocolate you gave me for breakfast! Woot!
Can I see you this week? (Outside of Denny's, that is)?
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