Monday, March 20, 2006

More random thoughts before I pass in bed b/c my head hurts so bad I can't see straight...

The moon looked so pretty comming home.

I love the eyeliner I wore today.

I love the fact there is a water bottle next to the computer everyday.

I don't think its embarrassing to be wrapped up in a blanket in public.

I'm ssooooooooo wearing my new wranglers tomorrow.

Also, so wearing PJ's to movie night.

I really miss my mom.

Denny's isn't actually that bad of a place to work.

I love this picture of Nana.

I want to get back into theatre when I return from Ontario.

Paul is amazing with photoshop.

I want a Mac Laptop.

I need a new camera lense.

Phil is awesome.

Cole is so wonderful to me.

How can the boys have newspapers dating back to january 4th, but not have the on I need (January 21st)

There were other thoughts for this I can't remember.

I'm going to go pass out now.

1 comment:

GopherX said...

Your blog makes me feel is a wrangler?

In regards to the newspaper thing, an item needs to be at least one month old (often more) before you can stumble across it in that apartment.