Friday, May 19, 2006

peanut butter jelly time

Quick post while i eat my pb & j. Everything goes well here. Had a bit of a melt down the other day, but since that i'm absolutly awesome. Got to talk to my mel, which was so nice. Cole... I keep meaning to phone you, i'll catch up with you soon. Phil... It took you that long to realize i was gone? Tsk tsk. Weathers weird here. It rains, its sunny, but not warm, kinda windy which isn't fun to bike into, but maybe i'm just whiny. Anyways sandwich all gone.


Dez Dez said...

Other randomness, my headphods are completly dead... Only one gee works and neither have covers. I also lost the battery cover to the mp3 player itself. And i'm pretty sure my profil pic was taken in ontario

Cole said...

hahaha.. that's so cool with the pic. And yeah I bought these nice pair of head phones last week and they are already dead it really really sucks, they cost me a pretty penny. I think it's a conspiracy:( Hugs hope your PJ sandwitch was good and have no more meltdown yuor too goo for that *Hugs* Lot of love Cole!

P.S.: best days to phone are like monday or tuesday. Unless you want to wake me up in the morning:P