Friday, June 23, 2006

Bye bye my bike, bye bye.

Another one bites the dust...

well... My newest bike managed to last almost two weeks! ALMOST... No... This one wasn't stolen... It just decided to die. Chain just snapped, fell off and that was that. At least i'm working super close to my hq. Would be nice for saturday tho... Sigh. Oh well... In its last few days of life it was getting mean... Fell on my ankle scratching it and making it swell... And it bucked me off! Or i fell... But its dead now, noone can verify the story. Actually... In reality its corpse is chained to a telephone pole till i figure out what to do with it... Going to see if bike will either repair it, or trade me.


safromhell said...

damn i lost the bet on it being stolen. stupid bike cost me 25 cents. bad bike bad

Anonymous said...

Zero's are good. I have been having a lot of zeros, to go along with your bike disaperences or malfunctions. You really should be able to buy a new chain for your bike. Love Mom

Cole said...

Man. I tell you buy a scooter or something it sounds like it would be less hassle