Thursday, September 21, 2006

I am your angel of music...

Well... finally broke down and watched the entire "Phantom of the Opera". Its really surprising I've waited so long... Such a sad love story. You feel so torn between the Phantom and Raoul. The ending is so heart breaking as well, but the final shot is amazing. *sigh* On a lighter side, I love how Raoul rode in on a white steed!!! Ah theatre, how I love thee... very jealous of Darby, and Jen S, who both got to see the production of "Phantom of the Opera" live.

Sweet dreams to you all... may we all find love so deep and passionate, that it blinds us to the outer so that we may see the good inside.


Phil said...

I saw it live too. in Calgary. be jealous of me to :P

JJ said...

It was amazing. I touched Raoul...

Cole said...

hahah I love that story jen:D Yeah Raoul is a awesome