Procrastination is like Masturbation... in the end you're just fucking yourself.
Tho I've actually fond other ways of fucking myself over to... lol!!!
Well, I haven't posted in just over a week, and SO many things have happened so I will break them into segments.
Part 1-Edmonton: 27 hours of freedom from PG
Thats right, I was only gone 27.5 hours in total. The night before we left (Tuesday) I had to work, and it was ssssooooooooo dead that they actually got me out of there by 8 pm. I would've been out by 7:30 but one of my tables ordered desert b/c it was her birthday and then I took all of their picture, which was really cool! Then I sped off to Photo club, an hour late, and watched a presentation on advanced techniques for Photoshop! Was great, learned a couple cool things, but it became to much information after a while so I ducked out before it was finished (the guy was making 50 layers, it was ridiculous!!!) So off to Kayla's (my general manager and concert buddy) house. It was nice, we chatted, watched some TV (Sex and the city, law and order) very relaxing. Then to bed we went, tho I stayed up for some time reading "Rage of Angels" by Sidney Sheldon. This, btw, is my favourite book! It has such a bittersweet ending tho... makes me think I'm a sucker for punishment. I finished this book by the end of the drive to Edmonton. The drive was fine, me and Kayla chatted a bit, listened to music, I read my book, enjoyed the scenery, it was snowing in Hinton :S and very cold in Edmonton.
We arrived in Edmonton with only 2 hours before the show, so we headed to Jeremy's place (Kayla's little brother) got ready for the concert and took the L-Train to Rexall Place!! Now, as most of you know, I LOVE taking things like the sky train, C-train, etc. For some reason, the state of mind I was in, this time it was even better. I felt like a character from my fave manga waiting for the train to go see a concert... it was so perfect. Anwyays, got there, got inside just in time to see Hot Hot Heat open!! I only knew 3-4 of their songs, but all the songs I knew I LOVED!!! They were very great. Then it was the break to get set up for the Killers, so off me and Kayla went to get food... we waited in line for over 1/2 hour to get a freakin hotdog!!! The lines next to us were moving twice as fast, the lady manning our till was bordering on being a COMPLETE IDIOT!! Gah. Very frustrating. We were late getting back to our seats, but lucky for us the Killers were even later getting on stage. Then the Killers did something I'm not used to... their opening song wasn't one of their hit singles. Was very odd for me, since every concert I've gone to the band opens with a song well known. Anyways, it was great, there were BARRELS of glitter being thrown in the air!! Made me SOOOOOOO happy!! And it was worth it all just to hear "Mr. Brightside" I've alwyas loved/hated that song... it just reminds me of my own situation on a few occasions.
After the concert I bought my very first Band Shirt! Its really crazy taht I've never boughten one before, but I saw a Hot Hot Heat one that I LOVED, however, they were sold out when I got to the Merch table, but there was another one I really liked, so I got it!! Then we headed off to the West Ed Mall where Jeremy went off to the Casino while Kayla, Laura (Jeremy's g/f) and I wandered around looking at random things. At one point I rolled along the floor just cause, and Kayla said I was making my own ride. And the best part of the night... MASSAGE CHAIRS!! Seriously, $2 for 4 minutes of HEAVEN. It was one of the better massages I've had... very worth the toonie. Then we headed to the Casino to drag Jeremy out and go home, however, blocking the entrance to the Casino was a picket line. APparently the casino workers were on strike, but only 1/2 of them, lots of backstabbing, etc, but these picketers were RUDE!! They've been battering all the customers going in, it was really terrible. Anwyays, I had my first gambling session!! It SUCKED! I put $5 into a couple slot machines, and I hated every second of it. Then Kayla put $5 into another one and that sucked as well. I will probably never go gambling again. So we headed back to Jeremy's place and went to sleep.
Part 2-Prince George: Grad, Prom, and a BBQ
So we drove home from Edmonton VERY early the next morning (5:30 a.m. to be exact) so that I could make it in time for my Sister's Validictorian Ceremony. Goign through Jasper I got to take a bunch of pictures through the window, and actually caught some good ones. I'm not in Jasper as planned this weekend tho b/c it is SO cold there! I'm a fair weathered photographer so I"m going to go not next weekend, but the weekend after. We arrived at Kayla's house where Stevie was patiently waiting, about 35 mins before the ceremony started, but when Kayla offered her shower, I couldn't refuse and quickly hopped in. Was very nice, very refreshing, then I flew down to the CN centre, and then waited for my parents who were runnign late, then we all barrelled inside to discover no good seats were left, but then I spent the ceremony in the Camera pit anywyas. Took a while to adjust the white balance in the room, but I got it figured it out, and got some good pictures... of Tiffany's friends. The ones of her aren't so great, but such is life I suppose.
Then we all ran home to get Tiffany ready for Prom, I took another swack of pictures, she looked amazing, so did Adam her best friend and date. AND Adam's father allowed him to take the LEXUS to prom...
After they departed my mom and I went to dinner, which was really nice. I don't get to spend near enough time with my mom. Then she left to go practice riding her motorcycle in a parking lot, and I headed to Tiffany's actual prom to take pictures of everyone. At one point during the pictures I had to cameras around my neck, one hanging off my left wrist, and two more on my right wrist, and Cole was holding 3 more cameras!! Was very entertaining.
After THAT we (Cole and I) headed BACK up to Kayla's house for Jessie's going away BBQ. There weren't many ppl there at the begining, but Shelly's daughter was there, plus Kayla's niece and nephew, so I took a swack more pictures... by the end of htis one day I had taken 500+ I love shooting digital. When ppl finally started showing up me and Cole took off since I was so exausted...
Part 3-Printer, Publik Party, Police
Friday I went back to work, and it was so boring I got to sit behind the bar and read for a little while... saturday was even MORE boring, and I read my book for probably an hour and text messaged ppl... noone (except Jenny) replied.
Sunday was an interesting day tho. I tried to purchase a printer, but only London Drugs sells it in town, and they didn't have any and after phoning 4 stores, noone was willing to ship it up here, so the guy took my info, and happily called a couple hours later to inform me that someone is shipping one up and it will be here either wednesday or friday :D Its a HP Photosmart 8750 I'm very excited!!!
After all that excitment I headed to the Casino to visit my friend Angela at work. We chatted for a while, and I was very happy to see her, and JUST as I was leaving, who shows up? My friend Josh, who happens to be Bar Manager at the Publik. He sees me and says "DON"T move, I'll brb" so I eargerly await, htinking he's got a job for me bartending... but no, he asks if I want to party, b/c its their staff party that night and he was allowed to bring one guest. I agree to go thinking it would be fun, and then the jerk informs me he just hired another bartender, so theres not opening. Bastard. Anwyasy, I meet him at the Publik at 5 pm and hang out while he cooks samosa... drunk. Then I end up jumping in and helping him make the samosa... crazy where life leads you!! Who thougth I would end up in the Publik while they were closed cooking samosa?!? I love how strange life can be. We finish that up and head off to Nechako Bowling alley, played some foosball, airhockey, sat around chatting, met some of the members from The Hellsmen, they invited me to their show which I doubt I'll be able to attend unfortunately :S but i'll see what I can do. Met a super cool chick, one of the guitarists g/fs actually, AND the manager who hired Becca at the Waddling Duck. Then the drama errupted, g/fs fighting with b/fs, g/fs bitchings about shit, boys getting into fights... it got so intense at one point that everyone went outsdie to fight, the cops were called, and when I decided to haul Josh's drunk ass home I discovered 4 police cars around mine... now WHY did the drunks decide to fight around MY car... one of the officers "Guided" me out, but I was paranoid as hell since I only have one headlight... thankfully my dad and I got my muffler back on the otehr day. But it all worked out, and Crystal Sonny Josh and I all headed back to Josh's to play "Ring of Fire" and I also had my first "Strip Poker" experience. I nearly lost, and being tired and grumpy once I got down to my underwear I informed them I would not be removing another article of clothing... Josh didn't like that, but Sonny was sympathetic and understood, and of course Crystal did as well since we were similarily naked, lol!!
All in all, its been a crazy week... I love how you never know where life is going to take you, you just have to stay open and flexible and let it happen.
Well, I haven't posted in just over a week, and SO many things have happened so I will break them into segments.
Part 1-Edmonton: 27 hours of freedom from PG
Thats right, I was only gone 27.5 hours in total. The night before we left (Tuesday) I had to work, and it was ssssooooooooo dead that they actually got me out of there by 8 pm. I would've been out by 7:30 but one of my tables ordered desert b/c it was her birthday and then I took all of their picture, which was really cool! Then I sped off to Photo club, an hour late, and watched a presentation on advanced techniques for Photoshop! Was great, learned a couple cool things, but it became to much information after a while so I ducked out before it was finished (the guy was making 50 layers, it was ridiculous!!!) So off to Kayla's (my general manager and concert buddy) house. It was nice, we chatted, watched some TV (Sex and the city, law and order) very relaxing. Then to bed we went, tho I stayed up for some time reading "Rage of Angels" by Sidney Sheldon. This, btw, is my favourite book! It has such a bittersweet ending tho... makes me think I'm a sucker for punishment. I finished this book by the end of the drive to Edmonton. The drive was fine, me and Kayla chatted a bit, listened to music, I read my book, enjoyed the scenery, it was snowing in Hinton :S and very cold in Edmonton.
We arrived in Edmonton with only 2 hours before the show, so we headed to Jeremy's place (Kayla's little brother) got ready for the concert and took the L-Train to Rexall Place!! Now, as most of you know, I LOVE taking things like the sky train, C-train, etc. For some reason, the state of mind I was in, this time it was even better. I felt like a character from my fave manga waiting for the train to go see a concert... it was so perfect. Anwyays, got there, got inside just in time to see Hot Hot Heat open!! I only knew 3-4 of their songs, but all the songs I knew I LOVED!!! They were very great. Then it was the break to get set up for the Killers, so off me and Kayla went to get food... we waited in line for over 1/2 hour to get a freakin hotdog!!! The lines next to us were moving twice as fast, the lady manning our till was bordering on being a COMPLETE IDIOT!! Gah. Very frustrating. We were late getting back to our seats, but lucky for us the Killers were even later getting on stage. Then the Killers did something I'm not used to... their opening song wasn't one of their hit singles. Was very odd for me, since every concert I've gone to the band opens with a song well known. Anyways, it was great, there were BARRELS of glitter being thrown in the air!! Made me SOOOOOOO happy!! And it was worth it all just to hear "Mr. Brightside" I've alwyas loved/hated that song... it just reminds me of my own situation on a few occasions.
After the concert I bought my very first Band Shirt! Its really crazy taht I've never boughten one before, but I saw a Hot Hot Heat one that I LOVED, however, they were sold out when I got to the Merch table, but there was another one I really liked, so I got it!! Then we headed off to the West Ed Mall where Jeremy went off to the Casino while Kayla, Laura (Jeremy's g/f) and I wandered around looking at random things. At one point I rolled along the floor just cause, and Kayla said I was making my own ride. And the best part of the night... MASSAGE CHAIRS!! Seriously, $2 for 4 minutes of HEAVEN. It was one of the better massages I've had... very worth the toonie. Then we headed to the Casino to drag Jeremy out and go home, however, blocking the entrance to the Casino was a picket line. APparently the casino workers were on strike, but only 1/2 of them, lots of backstabbing, etc, but these picketers were RUDE!! They've been battering all the customers going in, it was really terrible. Anwyays, I had my first gambling session!! It SUCKED! I put $5 into a couple slot machines, and I hated every second of it. Then Kayla put $5 into another one and that sucked as well. I will probably never go gambling again. So we headed back to Jeremy's place and went to sleep.
Part 2-Prince George: Grad, Prom, and a BBQ
So we drove home from Edmonton VERY early the next morning (5:30 a.m. to be exact) so that I could make it in time for my Sister's Validictorian Ceremony. Goign through Jasper I got to take a bunch of pictures through the window, and actually caught some good ones. I'm not in Jasper as planned this weekend tho b/c it is SO cold there! I'm a fair weathered photographer so I"m going to go not next weekend, but the weekend after. We arrived at Kayla's house where Stevie was patiently waiting, about 35 mins before the ceremony started, but when Kayla offered her shower, I couldn't refuse and quickly hopped in. Was very nice, very refreshing, then I flew down to the CN centre, and then waited for my parents who were runnign late, then we all barrelled inside to discover no good seats were left, but then I spent the ceremony in the Camera pit anywyas. Took a while to adjust the white balance in the room, but I got it figured it out, and got some good pictures... of Tiffany's friends. The ones of her aren't so great, but such is life I suppose.
Then we all ran home to get Tiffany ready for Prom, I took another swack of pictures, she looked amazing, so did Adam her best friend and date. AND Adam's father allowed him to take the LEXUS to prom...
After they departed my mom and I went to dinner, which was really nice. I don't get to spend near enough time with my mom. Then she left to go practice riding her motorcycle in a parking lot, and I headed to Tiffany's actual prom to take pictures of everyone. At one point during the pictures I had to cameras around my neck, one hanging off my left wrist, and two more on my right wrist, and Cole was holding 3 more cameras!! Was very entertaining.
After THAT we (Cole and I) headed BACK up to Kayla's house for Jessie's going away BBQ. There weren't many ppl there at the begining, but Shelly's daughter was there, plus Kayla's niece and nephew, so I took a swack more pictures... by the end of htis one day I had taken 500+ I love shooting digital. When ppl finally started showing up me and Cole took off since I was so exausted...
Part 3-Printer, Publik Party, Police
Friday I went back to work, and it was so boring I got to sit behind the bar and read for a little while... saturday was even MORE boring, and I read my book for probably an hour and text messaged ppl... noone (except Jenny) replied.
Sunday was an interesting day tho. I tried to purchase a printer, but only London Drugs sells it in town, and they didn't have any and after phoning 4 stores, noone was willing to ship it up here, so the guy took my info, and happily called a couple hours later to inform me that someone is shipping one up and it will be here either wednesday or friday :D Its a HP Photosmart 8750 I'm very excited!!!
After all that excitment I headed to the Casino to visit my friend Angela at work. We chatted for a while, and I was very happy to see her, and JUST as I was leaving, who shows up? My friend Josh, who happens to be Bar Manager at the Publik. He sees me and says "DON"T move, I'll brb" so I eargerly await, htinking he's got a job for me bartending... but no, he asks if I want to party, b/c its their staff party that night and he was allowed to bring one guest. I agree to go thinking it would be fun, and then the jerk informs me he just hired another bartender, so theres not opening. Bastard. Anwyasy, I meet him at the Publik at 5 pm and hang out while he cooks samosa... drunk. Then I end up jumping in and helping him make the samosa... crazy where life leads you!! Who thougth I would end up in the Publik while they were closed cooking samosa?!? I love how strange life can be. We finish that up and head off to Nechako Bowling alley, played some foosball, airhockey, sat around chatting, met some of the members from The Hellsmen, they invited me to their show which I doubt I'll be able to attend unfortunately :S but i'll see what I can do. Met a super cool chick, one of the guitarists g/fs actually, AND the manager who hired Becca at the Waddling Duck. Then the drama errupted, g/fs fighting with b/fs, g/fs bitchings about shit, boys getting into fights... it got so intense at one point that everyone went outsdie to fight, the cops were called, and when I decided to haul Josh's drunk ass home I discovered 4 police cars around mine... now WHY did the drunks decide to fight around MY car... one of the officers "Guided" me out, but I was paranoid as hell since I only have one headlight... thankfully my dad and I got my muffler back on the otehr day. But it all worked out, and Crystal Sonny Josh and I all headed back to Josh's to play "Ring of Fire" and I also had my first "Strip Poker" experience. I nearly lost, and being tired and grumpy once I got down to my underwear I informed them I would not be removing another article of clothing... Josh didn't like that, but Sonny was sympathetic and understood, and of course Crystal did as well since we were similarily naked, lol!!
All in all, its been a crazy week... I love how you never know where life is going to take you, you just have to stay open and flexible and let it happen.
Part 4-Picture time :D
So everyone knows, my sister made her dress and the masks she and her date are wearing :D


i do not have a witty remark to say about your post (as i will need time to come up with something stupid to say) but at least now you have one nut
Wowza. Sounds like your week was busier than mine...and I didn't think that was possible after the week I had!!!
By the way, I considered replying to your text, however, I was onstage when you messaged me, and by the time I actually GOT the message, it was almost 1am...I figured you might be in bed and I didn't want to risk waking you up...
Wanna do tea sometime soon? I should get my schedule tomorrow night.
By the were hanging out with Bree? She's totally cool! And so fun to work with! :D
YEah liek how i ended up at the bar with brennen and a cougar hitting on me:P
You never texted me! I even imagined I had a cell phone that night and everything!
And woohoo for new printers. I had the chance to play around with one of those and they've got some really good quality, and the ink really stands up over time. My only complaint is that they're slow...but hey if you don't mind waiting 10ish minutes for a high quality print then it's a great choice.
After a week of not posting its a good thing you have mountains to say!! And you should definitely go to 'tea' with Becca, it's what I do almost once a day here, although clearly not with becca. New printer is very exciting!! I just got another set of pics printed off today...way too many so'll take us a while to go through them. Miss ya my friend!! Giant hugs!
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